UV light is part of the electromagnetic spectrum, which makes up all wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation, including light, radio waves and x-rays which are arranged according to frequency and wavelength.
UV light is divided into three sub-bands, UV-A, UV-B, and UV-C. You’ve probably heard of UV-A and UV-B light before because they’re heavily displayed on sunscreen bottles. These types of UV lights are the ones that come from the sun and cause sunburn and skin cancers
UV-C light, on the other hand, is a powerful form of radiation which is harmless to people, but excellent at killing microorganisms, such as germs and viruses.
In this laboratory test, where patient care items were exposed to two 30 second UV-C light cycles, the number of bacteria on 40 out of 51 target sites were reduced to below detectable levels (source Infection Control Today.)
There is no debate- we can use UV light to benefit our health. But, how does this technology relate to our homes?
A UVC light air purifier picks up where all other types of air purification systems fail, because they’re the only type of technology that strips the air of allergens, viruses, spores, pollens, bacteria and mold, which are all hazardous to your health.
As air passes through the duct-mounted air purifier, it goes through a small internal chamber that exposes the particles to UV light. The light is not emitted into the room, nor can you see it. A UV light purifier works by disrupting the core DNA of these pathogens. This destroys them, preventing them from multiplying and causing you to become sick. UV lights are an excellent way to kill unwanted bacteria, germs, and viruses.
UV air purifiers installed in the HVAC system, with an adequate germicidal dosage sized for the air flow, will destroy airborne viruses, including the Coronavirus, but cannot guarantee anyone from becoming infected by the virus.
Air purifiers inside HVAC cannot disinfect frequently touched surfaces such as door handles and light switches, which are common disease transmission path. Given that the Coronavirus can survive up to nine days on a surface, good hygiene practice and frequent wash of hands continue to be the safest way to protect ourselves against any airborne or surface contaminants that can be introduced by other occupants and dispersed by the HVAC system in the house.
In other words, a powerful UVC air purifier can reduce the possibility of spreading the contaminants through the HVAC system, but it does not eliminate the necessity of safe hygiene practices.
*Because the susceptibility to germicidal UV of any microorganism is determined by its genome sequence, the germicidal UV dose required to kill the CoVid-19 is practically the same as for the SARS-CoV (2003) within less than 1.6% variance.
For additional technical information regarding Covid-19, please visit https://bit.ly/38t12Mo.
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